Max handstand walk/Hold
F: Wall Facing Handstand Hold [sub down to plank as needed]
P/S: max unbroken HS Walk - best distance of attempts
"Constant Variance"
-Re-test from start of cycle
In 35 min, go as far as you can in the following:
a. 100m run [or Airbike 10/8 Cal]
b. 15 KB Swings [53/35#]
c.15 Box Jump + Step Down
d. 15 Sit Ups
e. 15 DB Power Snatch [alt arms - total reps]
f. 150 Row
**rest 90 sec**
start at any station
F: Light Russian KBS + Box Step Up or Jump, + DB hang power snatch
P/S: As rx
*goal is to get as many rounds as possible here*