CrossFit 310

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Saturday, June 9, 2018


4 Rounds:
1. Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge, 6 each leg

F: 10-12 reps each leg, bwt

P/S: as Rx

2. Weighted Pronated Pull Up, 3 reps

F: Chin over Bar Hold, 20 seconds cumulative
can be partner assisted as needed
OR; Ring Row 8-10 reps; @ 2020 tempo

P: Weighted Strict Pull Up
*for each rep you cannot get, perform a negative/eccentric pull up*

S: Weighted Strict CtB Pull Up, 3 reps


"Outside the Lines" 

15 min AMRAP - Team WOD

- Teams of 2, 1 person working at a time

Row 75Cal Buy In, then:

AMRAP in remaining time; 
25 Box Jumps
25 Toe to bar
25 Hang Power Snatch

F: Box Jump/Step Up + Step Down + Suit Case Sit Ups + DB Hang Power Snatch

P: 24/20" + 95/65#

S: 30/24" + 135/95#