CrossFit 310

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Saturday, July 14, 2018


Squat Clean Thruster
- Build to 1RM

F: 5 Front Squat + 5 Push Press; Build 

P: Can be power clean + Thruster or 'Cluster'

S: Must be squat clean thruster in 1 motion


"Movin on Up"

12 min AMRAP
Each movement Unbroken

4 Strict HSPu
5 Hang Squat Clean 115/75#
6 CtB Pull Up
7 DB Power Snatch 50/35#

F: Rotate through, can be broken as needed
8 2DB Push Press + 
8 2DB Front Squat + 
8 Jumping Pull Up + 
8 Russian KBS
P: Each movement unbroken, if not, 
then scale down: 
4 Kipping HSPU unbroken [piked off a box]
5 Hang Squat Clean 115/75# unbroken [lower load]
6 Chest to Bar Pull Up [lower to chin over bar]
7 DB Power Snatch 50/35#