Thursday, July 19, 2018


4 rounds:

1. Seated Legs Straight Alt Arm Seated Press
- 6-8 each arm; 30x1 tempo

- rest 30 sec; build weight
F/P/S: all groups: adjust load as needed

2. HS Holds, rest 60 sec

F: wall walk x3 reps: [sub to plank x30 sec]

P: HS Hold against wall x20 sec.

S: Wall Facing HS Hold x20 sec.


"Summertime Magic"
5 sets:
- One Set every 4 min for 20 min

Row 8/6 Cal or Airbike 8/6 Cal @high effort
8 2DB Shoulder to Overhead
6 Burpee Box Jump Over 

- rest remaining time

*score is slowest time*
**enter each round split times into notes**

F: Row/Bike 8/6 Cal + 
8 2DB light Shoulder to Overhead + 
6 Burpee [no box jump over]

P/S: as rx