Buns & Guns
3 Rounds
1. 2DB Hammer Curl, 8-10 reps; @ 30x1 tempo; arms together
- all groups
2. Single Leg Glute Bridge, 8-10 reps each leg
- hold 1 second at the top
P/S: unweighted or w/ load
"Runnin' on Empty"
10 min AMRAP
200m Run +
Max Rep Strict Pull Up
rest 5 min
10 min AMRAP
200m Run + max rep
Strict HSPU
F: Ring Row/ Seated 2DB Press
P: Strict Pull Ups + Strict HSPU [or piked off box]
S: Strict Ring Muscle Up + Strict 3/1.5" Deficit HSPU
*Score is total reps combined from both AMRAP. Enter in Notes the breakdown for each AMRAP*