Friday, September 21, 2018


Front Squat

3x1; 3 heavy single reps; build up, then across

50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 90/3 singles [or a tough set

they can perform for 3 singles]

One set every 2 min for 16 min;

Build up, then across

F: work up to a set they can do for

3 sets of 5 at 30x1 tempo - 3 sets across

P: Build up, then 3x1 @90%

S: Build up, then 3x1 90-95% of 1RM



10 min AMRAP

10x Push Ups

10x Toe To Bar

10x Push Ups

10x Pull Ups

Run 100m

F: Scaled Push Up/Sit Up/Push Up/Jumping Pull Up

P: As rx;

S: Ring Push Ups + CtB Pull Ups