A. 4 Sets: Gymnastics/UB Push/Pull for quality
A1. Pull Up Complexes
1x Strict Pull Up + 3x CtB Pull Up + 5x Kipping Pull Up
F: 1x Slow Negative + 3x Kip on Bar + 5x Kip/Jumping Pull Up
P: As rx; 1x Strict + 3x CtB + 5x Kipping chins
S: 1x Strict CtB + 3x Bar MU + 5x CtB Pull Up
rest 30 sec
A2. 2DB Seated/alternating OH Hold seesaw press
x8 each arm - all groups
hold L arm overhead while R arm presses, etc.
rest 60 sec
"Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"
12 min AMRAP
15x Push Up
12x Toe to Bar
9x Shoulder to Overhead
F: 15x Push Up + 12x Sit Up + 9x 2DB Push Press
P: as rx; 115/75#
S: as rx + 155/105#