3 sets:
A1. Build to a tough set of 8 reps Strict Press
A2. Strict Pull Ups max reps
F: Chin Over Bar Hold x3 attempts
[or top of lowring row hold]
P: strict pull up
S: Strict CtB Pull Ups
"No More TABATAs!"
Full Tabata at each station
1. Push Ups/Dips
F: Push Ups:
P: Dips
S: Dips at the top of a Muscle Up
2. 2DB Devils Press
F: Light Load or DB Man Makers
P: Moderate load; 35/20# or so
S: 50/35#
3. Row for Cal
score is low score across
or total reps combined
stagger starting stations;
only 30 sec rest between stations