Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Front Squat - build to 5RM: One Set every 2 min for 12 min

F: 8RM; 30x1 tempo Front Squat or DB Goblet Squat

P/S: Build to a tough set of 5 reps


"Macho Man"

EMOM for as many EMOM to failure

Goal is to complete 10 rounds...

F: with 2DB's, 5x Hang Power Clean + 5x Squat + 5x PPr

P: 135/90# [scale down as needed]

S: 185/125#

EMOM for 12 -

3x Power Clean +

3x Front Squat +

3x Shoulder to Overhead

if you get to 12,

then for rd 13 it's 4+4+4

then rd 14 5+5+5

then rd 15 6+6+6.

If they make it there - workout is complete! f you fail a round, rest the next round,

then continue; score is total rounds complete out of 15 rds