Thursday, November 14, 2019


A. 3-4 Sets:

A1. KB Lateral Lunge x6-8 each leg

F: Lateral Lunge in Place x6-8, bwt

P/S: as rx; build

A2. 2KB OH Carry x100'

all groups; adjust load as needed

A3. GHD Sit Up x10-15 reps

F: Hanging Knee Raise

P/S: as rx; sub to strict K2E


B. For time:

30 Curtis P's (95/65#] [12 min cap]

One "Curtis P" complex is comprised of

1x Power Clean,

1x Lunge (each leg)

1x Push Press

F: 2DB's1x hang Power Clean + 1x Lunge L/R + 1x PPR

P: 95/65#


WOD Notes:

-CP/Muscle Endurance

-OLY complex + Body Comp Focus

-Ideally 6-8 minutes for many, should be lighter than their ‘Grace’ load