A. Team Row Warmup
Row 1500 meters in teams of 3
-No 1 person rowing more than 100m at a time
-Rowing Warm Up for technique & blood flow
-Give rowing technique prescriptions through out the row - NOT for max effort.
-Back Squat Strength-Endurance
-Pyramid Loading, regardless of movement go from easy—> hard —> easy
-Groups of 2: P1, 0-1 min, P2: 2-3 min. Then P1: 4-5 min.
-Groups of 3: P1: 0-1 min, P2: 1:20-2:20, P3: 2:40-3:40. Then P1: 4-5 min
B. Tower of Power Back Squats;
5 stations of 1 min on 3 min off for max points
1. 135/95# 1 pt each
F: Lightest DB/Load, P: 135/95, S: 185/125
2. 185/125# 3 pts each
F: Moderate DB/Load, P: rx, S: 225/155#
3. 225/155# 7 pts each
F: Heaviest DB/load, P: 225/155, S: 275/185
4. 185/125# 3 pts each
F: Moderate DB/Load, P: 185/125, S: 225/155
5. 135/95# 1pt each
F: Lightest DB/Load, P: as rx, 135/95: 185/125
add up total score=reps*points
other loading # for example: 95/135/155#; 65/85/95#, etc