One set every 4 min for 12 min (3 Sets) All Groups
400m run; rest remaining time
Time each set individually
Can row 500/400m x3; or Airdyne 40/30 Cal x3
Tower of Power Back Squats;
5 stations of pyramid style lifting [light-medium-heavy-medium-light]
1 min on, 3 min off for max points;
1. 135/95#: 1 pt each rep
F: Lightest DB/Load
P: as rx
S: 185/125
2. 185/125#; 3 pts each rep
F: Moderate DB/Load
P: rx
S: 225/155#
3. 225/155#; 7pts each
F: Heaviest DB/load
P: rx
S: 275/185
4. 185/125#; 3 pts each
F: Moderate DB/Load
P: rx
S: 225/155#
5. 135/95#: 1pt each
F: Lightest DB/Load
P: as rx
S: 185/125
add up total score=reps*points