A. 5 Sets:
A1. Sn Grip DL x5
F: Clean Grip DL x10 reps; 20X0
P/S: Build to moderate set of 5 reps
Rest 30 sec
A2. Prone Row x3
F: 2DB Bent Row x5; 30x0
P/S: Build to tough set of 3
Rest 60 sec
B. "Can't Stop, Won't Stop"
1x through for high effort/max cals
1 min on, 2 min off;
high effort per station
start at any station;
score is cals + reps combined
1. Row for Cal
2. DB Hang Power Snatch
3. Airbike for Cal [or row again, Shuttle run/Sled Push]
4. Burpee Box Jump Over
F: Burpee + Slam Ball
P: 50/35# + 24/20" BBJO [or BB Power Snatch] S: 70/50# + 30/24” [or BB Power Snatch]