A. 4 Sets:
A1. Close Grip Bench Press; x5
F: 2DB Bench Press x10; 3011; build
P/S: 5 reps; build
Rest 30 Sec
A2. Single Leg Crossbody Deadlift x5 each leg
F: staggered Stance Suit Case DL
P/S: SL CrossBody DL x5
Rest 90 Sec
B. Full Tabata at each station;
Low score in any 1 round
8 sets; 20 sec on/10 sec off - then 30 sec rest to rotate
1. Row for cals/AirBike
2. Double Unders;
F: Single Unders or double under attempts
P: Double Unders
S: Triple Unders
3. Sled Push or Farmers Carry; 1pt every 10m
Score is the lowest reps/distance at each station
Add up the 3 lowest scores for a total, then add the breakdown in the notes section