Monday, September 23, 2019


A. 12-15 min

Build to tough set Close Grip Bench Press x3

Then 1 drop set to AMRAP @85% of today's tough set of

F: 2DB Bench Press x5: 30x0; build to tough set

P/S: As rx;


B. "All the Way to the Top"

12 min ARMAP:

Run 100m +

5x Devils Press [or Hang Power Snatch moderate load]

10 Pull Up [challenging]

Goal is at loads that are dense/muscleEnd, but can keep moving so that real limiter

is breathing/threshold.

Scoring: Run = 10pts

F: 10x Ring Row or 5x Strict Pull Up

P: 10x CtB Pull Up [scale down to Chin over bar]

S: 5x Bar Muscle Up