Tuesday, September 24, 2019


A. In 20 minutes:

A1. Macho Man

10 min EMOM

Goal is to complete all 10 rounds

F: with 2DB's, 5x Hang Power Clean + 5x Squat + 5x PPr

P: 135/90# [scale down]

S: 185/125#

if they miss a round - then go skip one round, and pickup on the next interval

Then: Rest 2 min [minutes 10-12]

A2. Then one set every 2 min for 8 min (4 Sets)

continue to build up in sets of 2 reps Front Squat to a tough double

F: DB x8;

P: as rx x2 reps

S: 1&1/4's x2 reps


B. Short/Hard Row Tester

4 Sets:

30sec on/30sec off; score in meters; must rest ON the rower. can also do Airbike as needed [or sled if desired]

Score is least amount of meters rowed

Sled push: 1 pt for every 10'

AB: score in cal