Monday, September 9, 2019


A. 4-5 sets:

A1. Barbell Strict Press - Build to 1RM

F: Build to 5RM [DB or BB]

P/S: Build to 1RM Strict Press

A2. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (RFESS); build to 5RM each leg; 30x0

F: Build to tough set of 5 reps DB Split Squat

P/S: Build to tough set of 5 reps


B. "Jackie-ish" 1k/50/30

For Time:

Row 1k +

50x DB Front Rack Walking Lunge total Steps

30x Ring Dip

F: 750m Row + 50x Bwt Lunges + 30x Hand Release Push Ups

P/S: as rx

*or - if rowers/time is limited:

1 min per station for max reps

rest 1 min after all 3 are complete:

1. Row

2. 2DB Front rack Lunge or Box Step Over

3. Ring Dip/Push Up