Front Squat; Build to 1RM;
One set every 2 min for 12-14 min [6-7 sets]
F: 5 reps @30x1 tempo
P/S: as rx; build up!
12 min AMRAP/10 min AMRAP
Each movement Unbroken
4x Strict HSPu
5x Hang Squat Clean 115/75#
6x CtB Pull Up
7x DB Power Snatch 50/35#
F: Rotate through, can be broken as needed
8x 2DB Push Press +
8x 2DB Front Squat +
8x Jumping Pull Up +
8x Russian KBS
P: Each movement unbroken, if not,
then scale down:
4x Kipping HSPU unbroken [piked off a box]
5x Hang Squat Clean 115/75# unbroken [lower load]
6x Chest to Bar Pull Up [lower to chin over bar]
7x DB Power Snatch 50/35#
S: Each movement unbroken
6x Unbroken Strict HSPu +
8x Hang Clean 135/105 Unbroken
10x CtB Pull Up Unbroken
12x DB Power Snatch 70/50#