“A Big Ol’ Team WOD"
Teams of 2, split up reps as needed
30 min Cap:
Buy in: 800m Run together/50 Cal Row total/50 Cal Airbike total
Then 100 Slam Ball [split up as needed]
Then 20 sets:
3 Pull Ups
3 Clean and Jerk 3 Burpees
Then 100 Slam Ball [split up as needed]
Then Buy out: your choice 800 m run together/50 Cal Row total /50Cal Airbike total
F: 400m Run together/25 Cals Bike or Row +
75x Slam Ball + 20 sets of 3x Ring Row + 3x 1DB CJ + 3 Burpee
P/S: as rx; 115/75#, lower load as needed, can go heavier