A. Back Squat waves
x5, 4, 3
x5, 4, 3
Suggested loadings:
x5 (60%), 4 (70%), 3 (80%)
x5 (65%), 4 (75%), 3 (85%)
F; Build up to a tough set of 5 reps w/good form at 20x1 tempo
P/S: Build; to tough set of 3;
B. "Life a Quarter Mile at a Time"
3 sets; 45 sec on, 15 sec off; for total reps
1. 2DB Devils Press
2. Box Jump/Step Down
3. Wall Ball
*1 set = Devils Press + Box Jump + Wall Ball
Use 15 sec Rest to transition to next movement
F: Light DB/Step Up or BJ/Light Wall Ball
P: Moderate Load, 20/14#
S: Heavier DB, 30/20# WB