Tuesday, July 16, 2019


A. One set every 2 min for 10-12 min [5-6 sets] build up to a tough set of the complex:

3x Power Clean + 3x Front Squat + 3x Shoulder to Overhead

F: 5x Front Squat + 5x Push Press + 5x Thruster Can be BB or 2DB's

P/S: Build to tough set of this complex

Continue Building up for Front Squat [can be optional as needed but shouldn’t take much more time]

B. Front Squat; Build to tough single

One set every 2 min for 6-8 min; continue to build up from complex [3-4 more singles]

F: 5 reps @30x1 tempo

P/S: as rx


C. 1k Row for time [Lactic Power]